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Garlic in natura


  • Garlic and onion are part of a family of plants called Liliacea and a genus known as Allium. They are relatives of leek and green chives. It's hard to believe, but there are 500 types of garlic. One of the most curious is the black garlic. Black garlic is a common garlic, usually with good quality heads. The difference is that they are fermented in a greenhouse with temperature and humidity controlled by period ranging from three weeks to a month until they become black. Its flavor is fruity and sweet. In Turkey and other Turkish-speaking countries, garlic is called sarimsaq; in Germany, is called knoblauch; in Romania, of usturoi; in Sweden, of vitlök; in the Czech Republic, from cesnek; in the Philippines, of bawang; in the United States and other English-speaking countries, garlic; and among the Zulus of South Africa, of Ugaliki. The biggest producer of garlic is China, responsible for 90% of the world's cultivated product. The garlic produced in Brazil only accounts for 30% of the national consumption. Most of the product used here comes from Argentina and China. There is still in France a sect that grows the onion - the best-known relative of garlic - as a deity capable of securing eternal life. Each follower usually eats half a dozen per day. There is a belief that garlic is, next to the crucifix, the best vampire repellent there is. A group of scientists recently decided to test whether blood-loving creatures are even repelled by garlic. Since vampires do not exist, they decided to use leeches on the test. The result could not have been more unexpected: leeches preferred the blood of people who had been in contact with garlic. Ninety percent of the garlic consumed in Japan is grown in the locality of Takko. In order to draw attention to its main agricultural culture, the villagers there launched several products with garlic as the main ingredient. They are sake, ice cream, beers and even sodas with garlic taste.

    Both the strong taste and the bad breath left by the ingestion of garlic are caused by a substance called allicin. In reference to the bad breath caused by ingestion, once the Roman poet Horace said that "garlic could make a lover refuse a kiss from another and withdraw on a side far from the bed." Garlic is one of the best natural remedies out there. In addition to helping in the treatment of influenza, asthma, bronchitis and high cholesterol, it helps prevent cancer in the digestive tract. Sources: Health is Vital !, Super Interesting, Globo Rural, The State of S. Paulo, Wikipedia.

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